Friday, June 8, 2012


Contact sheet for blur project.

I was holding a strawberry in my hand while spinning.

I was holding my phone while spinning and i happen to get a text from my friend in the process.
This is my cat angel. Usually her ability to be constantly on the move bugs me, but with a blur project it turns out to be a good thing.

This is my lovely mother, she is helping me with my blur photo project by flapping around a finger puppet she randomly found on her desk.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Multiple Exposures

This is my contact sheet for my multiple exposures. They didn't turn out too well, but oh well...

Until recently I didn't remember what this was a picture of, but as i was posting this i realized they were a pair of my high heeled shoes with rumpled bed sheets in the background.

This is my cat staring at my dragon beanie baby, or me, I can't tell. In the middle is a picture of myself taking a picture of my reflection in a puddle.

This is a picture of myself in a mirror with my desk chair's flower fabric as a background texture.

This was my favorite picture for this assignment, it's of my cat Desi and my backyard playground set. I like how the playground is in the shape of a cat. 
This is one of my favorite Mortal Instrument books, City of Fallen Angels, and although the quality of the picture didn't really turn out, I thought the idea behind the photo was still a cool idea.